EP0852442B1 - Television program delivery system - Google
Application number - Espacenet
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de 8360 p - ceased/inventor not named may 1997 de 8361 p - notification of grant revoked may 1997 pdf. de 8362 p - Derwent World Patents Index Kind Code summary Argentina (AR) DWPI Start Date A Examined granted patents (1975 only) 6 February 1975 A1 Patent Application 18 March 2015 A2 Divisional patent application 18 March 2015 A3 Patent of addition 18 March … Kind Codes - What Do They Mean? On many patent publication numbers, you'll find letters and numbers at the end of the string. These number/letter combinations signify where the patent document fits in the overall process; if it's a new application, second version, or so on. Have a look at this handy table to see the meaning of each code: WIPO Standard ST.16 codes (kind codes) include a letter, and in many cases a number, used to distinguish the kind of patent document (e.g., publication of an application for a utility patent (patent application publication), patent, plant patent application publication, plant patent, or design patent) and the level of publication (e.g., first publication, second publication, or corrected publication). patent specification (without prior publication of patent application) [kind code B3] patent specification (after prior publication of patent application) [kind code B4] corrected title page of patent specification [kind code B8] corrected patent specification [kind code B9] amended patent specification (after opposition, limitation and nullity procedures including procedures concerning EP patents) [kind code C5] corrected title page of amended patent specification [kind code … 125 rows 2009-01-01 You want to find German patents starting with kind code 'D' (Granted).
The number and/or letter are collectively known as kind codes. The kind code associated with a published patent document describes the type of document and the stage of prosecution when the document was published. U.S. patent documents are identified by a number (shown on the face of the document) that includes the following three elements: KIND CODE PK PC Country INPADOCDB INPADOC Type of document Comments (DOCDB codes) old CA A A A1 A1 A2 A2 B B < 1275151 C A1 Patent 1275150 - 2000000 C2 A2 1275150 - 2000000 E B 1275150 - 2000000 F 1275150 - 2000000 A1 AA > 2000000 C C Patent > 2000000 E B > 2000000 F > 2000000 ^ kind codes did not appear on the face of patents.
Swedish Patent Database, Search - PRV
Appears in Yellow Book and Red Book Data Files ** Kind of document *** A. A1. Utility Patent Grant issued prior to January 2, 2001. A1. A1. Utility Patent Application published on or after January 2, 2001.
Trademark details - PRH
These number/letter combinations signify where the patent document fits in the overall process; if it's a new application, second version, or so on. Have a look at this handy table to see the meaning of each code: WIPO Standard ST.16 codes (kind codes) include a letter, and in many cases a number, used to distinguish the kind of patent document (e.g., publication of an application for a utility patent (patent application publication), patent, plant patent application publication, plant patent, or design patent) and the level of publication (e.g., first publication, second publication, or corrected publication). Translation of publication of international patent: DE: 11ccyyn(6) T8: DE112005000164 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE: 60ccyyn(6) T8: DE602004000338 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE: 6yyn(5) T8: DE60015012 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE: n(7) T8: DE3742375 : Correction of first page of translated EP/WO patent: DE The following is a list of European and international patent document kind codes. EP-A documents: European patent applications, published 18 months after filing with the EPO or 18 months after the priority date.
EP and WO kind codes. Other kind codes
INPADOC kind codes. Click here for a table containing the different codes used for the different publication levels in the countries covered.. If you have any questions, please contact the INPADOC Helpdesk in Vienna by e-mail: inpadoc@epo.org. The following document kinds have been allocated to Australian patent specifications published after 17 December 1998: A1 - OPI Document (standard and petty patent applications) A2 - Amended OPI Document (standard and petty patent applications) A4 - Granted/OPI Innovation Patent A5 - Pre-Grant/OPI Innovation Patent A6 - Amended After Grant Innovation Patent A8 - Corrected Document
Search - DPMAregister - DEPATISnet. Whether you are planning an application yourself, looking for technical solutions to specific problems, require information about a particular business's patent portfolio, want to avoid breaching third-party IP rights, or have other queries - the DPMA databases allow you to search for patents, utility models, trade marks, and designs online free of charge:
Kind Code of Japanese Industrial Property Documents Stored at JPO Japanese patent system is very complicated, which has at least 12 kind of documents, and 5 numbering systems.
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The kind code associated with a published patent document describes the type of document and the stage of prosecution when the document was published. U.S. patent documents are identified by a number (shown on the face of the document) that includes the following three elements: KIND CODE PK PC Country INPADOCDB INPADOC Type of document Comments (DOCDB codes) old CA A A A1 A1 A2 A2 B B < 1275151 C A1 Patent 1275150 - 2000000 C2 A2 1275150 - 2000000 E B 1275150 - 2000000 F 1275150 - 2000000 A1 AA > 2000000 C C Patent > 2000000 E B > 2000000 F > 2000000 ^ kind codes did not appear on the face of patents. Europe. Europe follows WIPO standard ST.50 for corrections. Since 1984 it has been possible to oppose patents on which the secrecy has been waived.
Kind Codes – …
Summary of Usage of USPTO Kind Codes; Assigned * to Published Document.
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Kind codes - Espacenet
A2. A2. Second or subsequent publication of a Utility Patent 2009-01-01 INPADOC Patent Kind Codes - Country Codes (/PC) with Kind Codes (/PK) and Patent Information Type (/PIT) STN User Documentation List in alphabetical order of all patent kind codes … STN Patent Kind Codes STN User Documentation The list provides an overview of all patent publication kind codes (/PK) used in the international patent family databases and patent full‐text databases on STN. Patent kind codes are sorted in alphabetical order and the occurence is indicated. Read more in the STN User Documentation Table 1. Canadian Patent Document Kind Codes Kind Code Document Type Note A Patent Prior to Oct. 1, 1989 A Laid-open application Oct. 1, 1989-present B Reissue patent Prior to Oct. 1, 1989 C Patent Oct. 1989-present E Reissue patent Oct. 1989-present F Certificate for reexamined patent Of course, patents get issued with a kind-of-document code, but I've never seen a patent document with a one-letter code next to the application or priority application serial number, and I kind of wonder whether these codes could be providing information we're not getting from the kind-of-document code. INPADOC kind codes.
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E shows a reissued patent. P shows a plant patent. The number and/or letter are collectively known as kind codes. The kind code associated with a published patent document describes the type of document and the stage of prosecution when the document was published.
The patent I am looking for has an application date of 2012-11-05 and publication date of 2012-12-19. Note: The kind of document code ”A0” may be encountered in computer databases, and is used to identify the bibliographic details of patent applications filed, as announced in the Gazette published by this Office. AR – ARGENTINA A1 PATENTE DE INVENCION (Patent for an invention) Published in accordance with the Patent Act No. 111 of 1864 kind codes for patent documents; DPMAinformativ no.